14 HH. DHA 4. Lahore. Pakistan info@aizazahmadchaudhry.com +92 (0)336 564 4459

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JINNAH left this world soon after the creation of Pakistan. What if the then leadership of Pakistan had followed his advice to firmly place the country on the path of democratic governance by evolving a constitution much sooner than it did, establishing an appropriate civil-military equation at the outset, and forging foreign ties based on ‘goodwill and friendship with all’?

What if Ayub Khan had decided not to enter into war with India in 1965? We could have maintained the trajectory of our economic growth, which had become the envy of the world at that time. What if Yahya Khan had opted for a transition to an elected government rather than military action in East Pakistan in March 1971? We could have averted the ultimate humiliation that our nation suffered on Dec 16 that year.