14 HH. DHA 4. Lahore. Pakistan info@aizazahmadchaudhry.com +92 (0)336 564 4459

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SUCCESSIVE governments, both elected and military, have failed to provide good governance to Pakistan. A perfect storm created by chronic political instability, inconsistent economic policies, weak institutions, pervasive corruption, and lack of accountability has hit our country. Add to that the gross mismanagement of scarce resources, the accumulation of unsustainable debt, and pathetic public service delivery, and it is no wonder that Pakistanis are losing trust in their government and state institutions. Inequitable distribution of resources has created horizontal and vertical disparities. Millions of people have fallen below the poverty line. There is no social justice or equal opportunity. Nor are people’s basic needs being met or their human rights being respected.

Experts have written on what ails governance in Pakistan. Studies have advised on how to extricate our economy from poor governance. However, if one were to identify the root cause of these ills, it is not the economy but the way parliamentary democracy is practised here.